Friday, December 3, 2010

Choosing Happiness

Isn't it funny how some people seem to be able to find happiness no matter what is going on in their life while it seems to escape the grasp of others who have much to be happy about. I guess it all goes back to what Abraham Lincoln said so long ago..."Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be".  If happiness is a choice, why does everyone not choose to be happy all the time? I think it's because most folks don't realize they have a choice. Many are waiting for the right things to happen, the right decisions to be made, the right ending to their pursuits to come to fruition in order to be happy. 

To me, that seems like you have to wait a long time and depend on circumstances over which you may not have any control before you can be happy.....instead of simply choosing to be happy no matter what, because life is precious, because you have so many gifts and blessings that to not be happy or to insist you must have more or have something specific before you can be happy seems ungrateful. 

Of course every moment of life cannot be euphoric, that intense happiness that is achieved for but brief moments in life, like when a child is born or you are standing on top of the mountain you have just climbed. Those moments are to be cherished and savored. But what about every other moment. What about standing in line at the grocery store, braiding your daughters hair, fixing dinner, lying in bed watching TV....what stops you from being happy every moment? 

When I ask myself that question, I realize I am quite happy at those moments, I just sometimes forget to acknowledge that I am blessed to be able to afford groceries, that precious moments spent with your children make-up the often recalled memories of childhood, that doing things for your family is a gift of grace you are privileged to be able to offer those you love, that lying in bed at night after a full day of work or play and simply knowing you don't have to do anything else until the next day is the chance to recount and reflect on all the ways your life is what you have made it (and if it is not,  another chance tomorrow to do so)....just a choice....nothing more than from what perspective you observe is the grace of life that every moment of every day is a chance to choose to look at what is or what is not, what you have or what you don't have. Every time I choose happiness, it is mine to keep or let go of.

It's up to you to remember your choice.....choose happiness whenever you can....and the secret is, you can choose it every time. Then, once you choose happiness, and realize it's always right there waiting for you to grab it, you will cherish it, nurture it and be always vigilant of who and what you will allow to take it away from you......The great part is, it's always up to you and only you. No one can give it to you but even better, no one can take it away......Make up your mind to be happy today. It's easy, it's free and it is the Grace of Life.

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